Taking Steps To Prevent Cavities

Did you know that with our preventive treatment options, we can help lower the risk of cavities in smiles of all ages? Tooth decay is a widespread concern, and one that could lead to infection and even premature tooth loss. But our Fulton, MO, dental team can take steps to help protect smiles from cavities!

The Causes of Tooth Decay in Kids and Adults

Our teeth are coated in enamel, the hardest substance in the human body. The enamel protects the sensitive inner layers of the tooth. But when we have a diet high in sugar and starch, and don’t care for our teeth without brushing and flossing, this can create plaque buildup that coats the teeth and weakens the enamel, so bacteria reach the inner dentin. A cavity forms and without treatment, the decay will grow and spread until the tooth becomes infected and risks being lost completely. This can impact smiles of all ages, even in babies, which is commonly referred to as baby bottle tooth decay. But our team can offer two treatments to lower your family’s risk of cavities.

Fluoride Treatments

During routine checkup and cleaning visits every six months, we can apply fluoride directly to the teeth in a varnish form. Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that has been shown to strengthen enamel and prevent cavities. We apply this in a matter of minutes and you just need to avoid food and drink for about 30 minutes. They strengthen the enamel to make cavities less likely. You should also use a fluoride toothpaste for the same reason, with everyone three and younger using a rice sized amount, and everyone else using a pea sized amount. Fluoride is also found in your tap water, so be sure to drink plenty of water!

Dental Sealants

For kids and teens and adults with limited dexterity, reaching the rear teeth when you brush and floss could be a problem. As a result, food and drink particles could become trapped for bacteria to consume, which creates plaque and tartar. To limit the risk of cavities in this portion of your smile, we could apply dental sealants, an acrylic layer that coats the teeth and prevents particles from being trapped on or between them. We can apply the material in just a few minutes, and it cures quickly. They can stay in place for up to two years and wear away gradually with time.

If you have any questions about preventing tooth decay and keeping smiles bright and strong, then contact our team today.

Talk to Your Fulton, MO, Dentist Today

Our team wants to help kids and adults alike lower their risk of tooth decay. If you want to schedule an appointment with your Fulton, MO, dentist, then contact Callaway Family Dental by calling (573) 642-6904.


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